Comotor RG750
Most of you have probably heard of this bike, it's one of the wildest RG specials ever built.
I don’t know a lot about these bikes, but what I do have I’m going to burp up here.
At least one and maybe two different groups built 6-cylinder “RG750s” by merging one-and-a-half RG500 motors. I sure thought BDK built something along these lines.
In the meantime, here are some photos of the “comotor” RG75. Click here to download a PDF of an article on this build. Yes, Yes, fine, they also call it a Delta. LoL... So maybe I have company, eh!
Once again, I apologize for capturing PDFs of this material, but over the years the original websites keep disappearing - someone has to archive this info!
I wish I had a sound file!!