The latest in high-tech performance parts for the RG500

Every now and then, some poor guy gets bitten by the RG500 tuning bug and wanders off into the wastelands, dreaming of fantastic cylinders and unobtanium bits and pieces.  

Sometimes they return with an amazing, unique machine,  festooned with one-off parts and original engineering-  which cannot be reproduced.

Other times, they are discovered years later, naked and penniless,  squatting under a bridge and eating dog food out of tin cans. 

But sometimes... on that rare occasion... they actually work and toil and develop real live parts for the RG500, and those parts come to market.   This, it seems, is what our hard-working friend Franco has done over in Italy. 

A few of us have adapted TZ cylinders to the RG-  which is pretty freaking cool, I must admit... although my TZ parts are 1994 and I suspect things have advanced just a tiny bit since then.   Want the latest in cylinder technology for your RG500?  Well, here you go-click here.   Looking for RG500 disc valve blanks- made from the proper spring steel?   54.4mm crankshaft?  High-po connecting rods?  Check out a few pics of Maranello Engineering’s efforts, then pop over to their site and have a look.  

Maranello Engineering